So... I got harranged for not posting as frequently as I should. Life around here is a little bit crazy. Two boys make for an interesting existence. My friends who have only girls are dumbfounded with my accounts of shampoo dumping and baseball bat swinging (Yes, Madax whacked Beckett in the face with a giant plastic baseball bat!) Fortunately for Beckett, it bounced right off... but still... the shock of this experience was jarring and unpleasant... and he was sure to let me know.
Then there are the moments when Madax's intentions are honorable and even sweet. He tries to play with and include Beckett, somehow missing the obvious point that Beckett's not a world class wrestler. Beckett also does not enjoy playing pedestrian and being run over repeatedly with the yellow rideable school bus. Beckett is also not entirely fond of being sprayed in the face over and over again with Madax's water bottle- although on that one he didn't even cry- Madax told on himself by expressing to me that he was "cleaning Beckett, Mama! I hewp clean."
All of these things happen, mind you, while I'm in the same room... usually just three or four feet away. You'd think he'd develop a sense of secrecy about his mischeivous manner, but no. He's clueless.
So... if you've been wondering why I don't post, just use your imagination and picture me rescuing Beckett from being dragged across the floor by his pant legs or trying to dig the chicken bones out of Wrigley's throat so she doesn't choke to death! Such is the marvelous life of one Jessica Daniels.
I think your life sounds fabulous...full of adventures and laughs. Never a dull moment in the Daniels' house, that's for sure. Keep being the great Mama that you are!!!
Ha Ha he cracks me up, I'll have to say I don't think it has anything to do with his sex. I hate to say it but I think Addi could hold her own with him, and I bet when you have a girl she will too. I was telling your mom in South Carolina that Addi came out of her room one day and looked like a baker covered in flour. I thought what the heck the flour is clear up on the top in the pantry. So I went in her room and sure enough a box of pancake mix, I will now keep it up with the flour instead of on the bottom with the cereal. She had dumped the entire box (brand new full box) all over her room, it was in her hair all over her face, it was everywhere!
oh jesy i feel for you!! I feel like im reading about my own life while i read your blog!! Boys are definatley full of fun!! Never a dull moment!! Girls are different but when they have two brothers to look up to i think she'll be right there in the middle of all the fun chaos!!
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