I glance over at his "Peshal bed" (a foldup futon type bed that someone gave us which he now insists napping on). Not there. I check my bedroom, assuming that he's wandered in there to curl up on the floor or crawl into "cuddle in mommy's bed" like he frequently requests (a bad habit formed from a few weeks ago when he was sick and I let him watch movies in my bed... I don't recommend this, btw). Not there. I check both bathrooms, as well as Beckett's crib. No where. At this point, I'm a little bit nervous and calling for Michael to come and help me find him. Then I hear a whimper. Not a child's whimper... the dog whining. And it hits me: we haven't seen Wrigley for a while now. Where does good ol' Wrigley usually camp out?
Here! Under the bed! Madax crawled under the bed (pillow, blanket and all) to sleep next to his buddy Wrigley. You can slightly catch a glimpse of her trapped in the upper left hand corner of the picture behind him. She couldn't get out and was whining for me!
Oh.... I love boys and their dogs!
He he he...I love this kid!!! Never a dull moment with Madax...he keeps you on your toes, that's for sure! Obviously that is why Beckett is so calm...you would go crazy if he took after his big brother!!!
Ha ha I love that story he is so cute!
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