Sunday, April 3, 2011

Crazy Colorado Weather

So... my kindergarten education taught me that April was a spring month... where showers abounded and prepared the ground for flowers. Here in Colorado, April is not that month. Yesterday was 82 degrees. Today:

It snowed.

And my crazy men went outside to enjoy the crazy weather. Yes, Michael is wearing shorts in the snow.

Beckett insisted on playing outside, but I did have the authority to force this one to wear a coat.

Beckett obviously isn't a big fan of pausing for a photo.

Earlier in the week, it was really warm outside. The boys definitely enjoyed getting out of the house.

Not sure what's going on here... Someone goofing around.

Have I mentioned before that Madax is very theatrical?

He's had a little cold lately. I managed to get him to sit still on the couch for about five minutes during the day. This was just one second out of those five minutes of rest.


Grandma May said...

That snow better be gone by the time I get there!

Kendra said...

Jes your boys are getting so big they are adorable I love seeing and reading the fun things you all are up too. Before long Ill be right there with you with 2 busy boys!