Monday, April 4, 2011

Shout out to Aunt Randi and Gammy

Beckett's started talking so much more lately. His annunciation isn't so clear, but he's working on it. His physical abilities are astounding though; he's so agile and rambunctious! I swear, this kid never slows down. I think he's the real energizer bunny, Ali.


Heather said...

What a cute little guy! I love his energy, can I borrow some of that? I bet that made your mom's and sister's day.

The Travellers said...

Oh I love him! Why do all my nephews have to live so far away?

Matt & Ali said...

hahahahah!!!! now you know exactly what I meant all those years ago!!!! XOXOXOXO

Grandma May said...

I miss him. That's all I have to say about that.