Monday, May 11, 2009

Never a Dull Moment!

Madax dug up some 9month outfits out of Beckett's dresser and insisted on wearing them. I'm shocked I could even get the snaps buckled together... but somehow I managed. His little buns were hanging out! Here is is tumbling around the living room in his new outfit. He loved it!... probably because Mike and I couldn't stop laughing!

I love this photo of my babies! Aren't they adorable?

Beckett is crawling all over the place now. The moment he figured out how to put one knee in front of the other, he was all the way across the room. Quite a contrast from his older brother, who didn't walk until he was about 15 months old. Beckett already tried to stand up in the middle of the room (without pulling up on anything!)... he's definitely a go-getter!

This is the norm in our house... Madax runs around like a madman, making me laugh. He's got soooo much energy!

The weather has been so nice outside this last week. Madax was able to play outside most of the time, and one day he even found a worm! He kept giving it kisses and elbows (*thanks Riley Traveller!), knocks(knuckles), and of course, nog (butting his head up to it). He loved his little wormie!!

I asked Madax what his worm's name was and he said...."Ummm, name is Fwank."


Apparently, green beans need a nap too.

This is the look I got throughout the entire 10 minute trip to Hancock Fabrics. The intolerance for all things girly has begun already!

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